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Book four : Call After Midnight

I couldn't just keep reading SciFi books could I so a trip to "The Works" was in order and it was even better than I could ever have imagined. 3 for a fiver, you couldn't really as for more! Oh yes we could this book actually contains two stories but I have just contained myself to the first one.

You will also find that the book reviews, for the moment anyway will be coming a little bit faster than I expected, if a book is good, I will fly through it, even if its ok, I can get through, whats appears to be a standard of about 250/300 pages fairly sharpish, so I am more than a little bit ahead of my schedule, like on book five and I am writing this in February even though you might not see it until March....

So this particular book was picked up mostly because it said from the writer of "Risole and Isles" on the front. Not that I have read any of those books previously but the TV episodes that I have seen are generally in the area of things that I like and books of crime drama series are often far better than the shows ever are. So I didn't know what to expect but didn't think it would be too bad.

So, I was a little bit wrong on that. Its not a bad book or story, its just not really what I was expecting. Very early on I started thinking it was a little bit "Chick Lit". There was a lot of information as to how the two leads interacted, what they were thinking about each other, what they were imagining doing to each other, while there being very little detail around the crimes, the murder that happened, there was just a whole load of detail missing that I have come to expect from murder/mystery/crime fiction. The focus on the characters and their journey into a relations ship was becoming more and more the key focus to the story the further it went through, so I moved it from the chick lit to mills and boon category, chuckling to myself, just thinking it was a bit random. While it was good, that was all a bit off putting and despite the lack of pages and the huge text it took almost as long to read as the previous Hamilton book. I carried on to the end and it all finished up as expected, they won, they shagged and now they were really in Love with each other. No, I'm not making this up, yes thats really what happened.</p>It's at this point, as with all the other books, that I turn to Amazon. This is two fold, the first is to get the links that you see at the bottom of each post. The second is to just see how they describe the book and to have a quick scan through the reviews, just to see if it was me that had certain opinions, ie am I odd or is it really this good/indifferent/bad.<br/>Instantly my mind was put at rest when the first review and the top of the most helpful was a statement from the authors current publisher stating that this series of books had been previously and originally published by Mills and Boom. I was, instantly happy that that is how the book was written. About one minute later was concerned that a virile young man like myself knew, with no prior experience, exactly what a Mills and Boon book would be like. Possibly this is where I have been going wrong in my writing career and I need to do an Alan Titmarsh and start writing porn for grannies!!!<br/>So with now knowing that it is a sex replacement for oldies, how would I rate it?<br>Not bad, there is still enough of the story to make it worth a read if you have nothing else. If you are looking for a bit of a sloppy, unrealistic love story, it certainly ticks more of that box. If your looking for something with both then this is a complete winner for you. I will read the other book in the second half, just because I got it as part of this challenge but as a crime, thriller no don't bother yourself.

Call After Midnight
Tess Gerritsen

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