I have already missed at least one month, totally going against everything I wanted to do blogging wise but, as always, things have been super mentally busy. The big difference this time is that I realise it's mostly me that is causing it.
more ... Published at: Fri 24 August 2012Well there is a very nice but often unknown tool called Screen sharing.
more ... Published at: Mon 16 July 2012Well code week, didn't get any further than day 4, mostly down to interviews, all of which came from me not even trying to get a job. Pretty good situation to be in. I did actually manage to secure another contract for a large media company. Good for the CV and its currently giving me lots of experience with Salesforce and also remedy. That obviously killed the whole code week thing as I just haven't had time to do much since I started there.
more ... Published at: Thu 10 May 2012